Re: full disclosure

David Kovar (kovar@NDA.COM)
Tue, 29 Nov 1994 02:08:18 -0500 (EST)

>If BSDI had as many customers as Sun, on as many platforms, and under as many 
>different configurations and architectures, I daresay you'd be bitching about 
>their slow response too.

  Sun has always been known for poor/slow customer support,
particularly when it comes to security holes. I remember them admitting
this in the late 80's and announcing a major effort to address
the problem, with few results.

  Multiple platforms, configurations, and architectures are no excuse
for slow response time. If you've got that many variables, then you
need to support that many variables. Sun grows because we buy their
product.  The more we buy, the more they offer. Does that mean that
they're support should slow down as we buy more? Hardly. If anything,
they're support should improve because they have more customers
depending on them.
